Couples in large groups would pray, the husband praying only so his wife next to him could hear. Everyone else just said a private silent prayer. This nut pioneer ( who converted in the throes of extreme emotion after his dog died) would give a silent prayer over just coffee! Nutters gonna nut.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
How Many Prayed Out Loud whilst they were at a restaurant?
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
not loudly, but just so your table could hear?.
Atlanta Int Convention 2014:The Big Party. Does this look like WT believes Armageddon is coming "soon"?
by AndDontCallMeShirley in
.. if armageddon is "imminent", why is wt focused on sight-seeing, entertainment, travel, etc.
instead of preaching and saving people??.
Julia Orwell
It's just bright lights and shiny things to distract the sheeple from the real issues.
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Julia Orwell
Quite a few in Australia have gone to the authorities about abuse but no suing as I know. We aren't as much the suing type as Americans so Australians don't really sue for pedophiles. I know of some jws who were jailed for pedophilia ( but to the chagrin of the very few who knew about it, the pedos were free to roam in congs and assemblies) and also of cases in which the elders closed ranks and protected the sick bastards. I also know of kiddie fiddle cases that were 'taken care of' by the congregation, meaning the abuser was spoken to or reproved or something and the parent never pursued the matter further. I also knew a guy who was abused but nothing was done.
These are my first hand accounts of pedo jws in Australia.
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Julia Orwell
It's part of how cults work. The higher up the chain you go, the more special knowledge you can have. Keeps people divided and reinforces hierarchy.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
by Londo111 in
Julia Orwell
by this measure the watchtower org is a sociopath and turns many of its followers into sociopaths too, especially in the area of attacking messengers who prove the lies wrong. All ten of those points apply to the wt org, and it does its level best to make its followers into zombie copies of itself.
some changes need to be made
by venting inbut im still in and on the fence.
" remember who owns the fence?".
shunning needs to be tempered.
Julia Orwell
If all those things about jw religion changed they would lose their hold on their followers. It would no longer be a cult and everyone would be free to make their own decisions. It doesn't matter who owns the proverbial fence cuz once you jump over it you're in your own yard and can go where you please. Stay on the fence you'll go nowhere except butt backward into a huge pile of horse poop on the Jw side. At best you'll fall off and be hurt. Better to jump down on your own.
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Julia Orwell
What's it say?? My device won't open it.
International conventions - Seattle
by Lynnie injust found out from my jw mom that the congregations located in the suburbs north of seattle.
will be renting buses to shuttle people back and forth to the international convention at husky.
Julia Orwell
It actually makes sense to rent busses because having 50 000 extra people in town is going to overload existing public transport. They could get the bus company to put on more buses like in Sydney for the international the public train network put on more trains from the city to the stadium. It's a logistical problem to move thousands of people to stadiums rather than a money making scheme.
oh cr@p!! its my turn for "an elder called and wants to arrange a shepherding call" thread. Moral support please.
by MissFit inis coming and the elder wanted to set up a visit.
it's not like i wasn't warned.
there was a thread that talked about the push to call on inactive ones.. thanks to the heads up here, i knew the motive for the call.. i don't think i even know that eld.
Julia Orwell
When I was in your situation i told them I know where the kh is and have elders' numbers so will call them if I needs anything, they don't need to call me.
How Relevant Are Jehovah's Witnesses To You?
by minimus inin reality, they are pretty insignificant..
Julia Orwell
They torment me in my dreams. I worry about running into them at the shops and the possibility of them coming to the door. I don't know if the above constitutes relevance, but it is relevant to me. It messes me up. I'm always scripting objections and arguments with them in my mind. It consumes my thoughts and never stops, argh!!